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Supply and demand essay

Supply and demand essay

supply and demand essay

Demand and supply for cars may also have an impact on complementary goods such as GPS tracking systems. GPS systems are a complementary good because car manufacturers or Jul 28,  · Changes in supply and demand to food products is most often associated with the price along with factors such as drought, slowing yield growth, low stocks, macroeconomics May 16,  · Demand and Supply Essay Exclusively available on IvyPanda Updated: May 16th, Introduction Economics plays an important role in the healthcare industry in the

Demand and Supply - Words | Essay Example

Economics plays an important role in the healthcare industry in the US. The relationship between different organizations and individuals involved in the production and consumption of health goods and services in the US is a complex one. The economic need of an individual in terms of healthcare is main idea behind the consumption while organizations provide the above needed services. The healthcare industry is subject to all the economic trends through production of goods and services which in this case are the drugs, equipment and the services rendered by medical professionals.

Supply on the other hand denotes the presence centers that provide medical services and the ability for the manufacturers of these products avail the products to the consumers. Besides the forces of demand and supply, there are economic variables including time, accessibility of drugs and services and user charges as applied supply and demand essay the industry. The discussion will focus on the above principles of economics as they apply to the healthcare industry in the US. Precisely, the discussion will focus on the supply and demand of endocrinology services in the US.

There will also be a discussion on the economic relationship between the availability of these services in the US and the economic variables involved especially cost and access. Endocrinologists help in the treatment of endocrine disorders associated with diabetes conditions. Besides cancer and heart disease, diabetes is ranked as the other major disease among the American population. The rise in the cases of diabetes, has led to a rise in demand of endocrinology services in the US. On the other hand however, the number of endocrinologists entering the market in the US has reduced considerably. The situation has therefore created a supply demand mismatch in the availability of these services.

According to Stewartp. According to him, the demand for endocrinology services is going to rise supply and demand essay considering the fact that over 44 million people in the US need their services. The above demand is against a supply of slightly above endocrinologists available in the US according to a survey. Over of these supply and demand essay not primary care providers, leaving an average of endocrinologists in active practice. The above scenario clearly shows demand outstripping supply. According to Mercerp. The above demand — supply mismatch has had its consequences felt by the consumers of these services in the US.

Basic economics dictate that the most likely effect when demand outstrips supply is the rise in price of goods and services. Mercerp, supply and demand essay. Stewart concurs in his analysis when he says that the shortage of endocrinologists negatively impacted access to care by patients with diabetes, obesity, adrenal disease and thyroid cancer, supply and demand essay. This shortage of endocrinologist has led to limited access and care of endocrinology supply and demand essay. There are verified reports of patients waiting up to 6 months to gain access to an endocrinologist. As expected, the costs associated with accessing the services have risen, supply and demand essay.

This is partly because of the negative consequences of the failure to treat the condition appropriately due to waiting time and largely because of the economical factor of less supply. Instead they have adopted the volume solution to resolve the problem. Additionally, supply and demand essay industry has adopted an approach of engaging primary care physicians to handle endocrinology patients. This primarily aims at availing wide access to the services to the people who need them. Rizza et alp. According to a supply model developed by the Rizza, supply and demand essay, the difference between the demand and supply of these services will reduce in the first decade of the 21 st century as new professionals enter the field.

However, expected retirement of many endocrinologists who will be above 50 years during the decade will widen the demand and supply mismatch. There supply and demand essay sufficient reason to believe that improved supply of endocrinologists to the market in the US will eliminate most of the problems brought by the shortage. There is need to prop up the supply of endocrinologists in the US through the implementation of measures influenced by the factors of supply. Secondly, there is need to raise the retirement age of medical practitioners but the raise should mainly target the endocrinology profession. That way the rate of attrition from the profession will be stemmed and effectively improving supply of the professionals.

The above factors are expected to boost supply and demand essay of the professionals to the market to end the bridge the gap between their demand supply deficits. The above analysis represents the integration of the principles of economics especially demand and supply in the healthcare industry. Medical services in this case endocrinology are treated like any other commodity that I available in the market for the highest bidder. Like in pure economics, the economic variables of cost and access to good and services are affected by demand and supply.

A rational analysis on the number of professionals in the field of endocrinology in the US and the demand that is currently available easily suggests a deficit in supply. The mismatch between the forces of demand and supply therefore supply and demand essay led to the rise n the costs associated with endocrinology services, supply and demand essay. Additionally, access to the services has also been affected. Increasing the supply of this service will weigh down on demand and an equilibrium position will be achieved. The measures suggested in the last part of the discussion are meant to increase the supply through the supply chain which in this case is the training institutions.

Mercer, A. Supply and Demand. Diabetes Health. Rizza, A. et al. Stewart, A. The United States Endocrinology Workforce: A Supply-Demand Mismatch. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Demand and Supply. Introduction Economics plays an important role in the healthcare industry in the US. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Demand and Supply specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Demand and Supply by yourself? This essay on Demand and Supply was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly, supply and demand essay.

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Supply and Demand

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Supply And Demand Essay Examples | WOW Essays

supply and demand essay

Supply is what the market can offer. The quantity supplied is the quantity of goods producers are willing to supply at a particular price. The law of supply states that the higher the price of a May 16,  · Demand and Supply Essay Exclusively available on IvyPanda Updated: May 16th, Introduction Economics plays an important role in the healthcare industry in the Jul 28,  · Changes in supply and demand to food products is most often associated with the price along with factors such as drought, slowing yield growth, low stocks, macroeconomics

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